Saturday, July 30, 2011

Can a girl lose weight participating in water aerobics?

I recently got a message that asked a very good question. 

 Can a girl lose weight doing water aerobics?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is because anytime you increase your activity level (burn calories) and if you decrease your caloric intake.  You will lose weight. 

Is water aerobics THE best exercise for losing weight?  That depends, it's best if it is the only cardio you can or will do.  But simply doing aerobics, cardio, weight lifting or any other exercise will not make you lose weight unless you also control caloric intake.

Honestly, what working out in the pool is best at is improving your endurance, breathing capacity, muscle tone, and flexibility. 

I love all the benefits of being in the pool, it is especially good for ladies in their prime (like me!) because it is easier on the joints and the warm water is good for anything that aches.

Note:  When I am not leading 6 classes a week (in the summer)  I am in the gym three days a week and in the pool three mornings a week. Granted its easier now that I am retired, but even when I was working, I was still in the pool 3-4 times a week and have always monitored my diet.

One other thing:  Courtesy of my PT hubby-

I know folks have heard me say it before, but measurements matter more than the scale when you are working hard to lose weight and become more fit. For some folks it is hard to understand how this makes sense.

He told me a way to get a visual of muscle versus fat and why people who weight the same look so different.  

Say you have two friends who weigh the same. The first one is wearing a size 7 and the second wears a size 10.

The first friend hits the pool or the gym multiple times a week, doesn't eat at fast food restaurants and watches what she eats. 

Friend number two hits the buffet and can down a box of oreos in one sitting.She is also the queen of the sitcoms and when she gets home from work (where she snack on junk food all day) she just wants to sit.

The reason for the size difference is very apparent to me, just by looking at the way the eat and their activity level.

But that doesn't explain how they can weight the same and look so different.

So, get a piece of paper and draw a circle around your closed fist.  That represents the size of one pound of muscle.  Make three more circles next to the first one.  The area of those 4 circles represents a pound of fat.


That answers the question, for me, of how it works. Does it help you?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Good news!

We are well into the second month of my evening classes, getting ready to start the second session of the Seniors' class and have ordered barbells for those who want their own.  

That's the update.  

In the Good News Department,  I have been remiss in not giving proper kudos to two ladies in my TYHS class that have been working diligently with a trainer and attending Weight Loss Education classes.  They are peeling away the pounds and working hard hard hard!  

You go girls!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Single Disk Hand Buoys (Barbells) can be purchased now!

If any of you are interested in getting your very own set of water exercise 'barbells', I am taking orders for the next two weeks.
Here is the info:

Aqua Force Products are made in the U.S.A.

The water hand buoys (dumbbells) are made from sealed, closed cell polyethylene foam. The white foam discs are impervious to water because they are sealed through a special process that keeps them clean. It also reduces water absorption which allows full resistance even after classes all day long. The dumbbells have sealed center bar and the handles are padded with a high-density rubber sleeve to provide a soft comfortable grip as well as adding more buoyancy. They are perfect for water aerobics and aqua training. 

Cost is $18.00 for a pair of single disc hand buoys, which are medium weight and come in white.(and now Gray!)

Kudos go out to three great "mermaids"

I wanted to share this news with everyone!

We have THREE (3) 50+ pounds LOST Mermaids in our evening Aquacize class this session!  Way to go ladies!!!!!! Yeahhh!!!  Whooo!!!! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer is in full swing here in Central Florida!

We just wrapped up the first session of the evening Aquacize classes!  Its a great group and we made tons of progress last month!  With some new and some returnees from last summer and a whole lot of bravery we tackled the buoyancy cuffs (see previous post on this equipment)  in the deep water!

Sign up is NOW for next session of these classes!  We will not skip a beat and will go right into the next session starting on Tuesday, July 5th!

On a personal note, I have temporarily suspended my regular weight training sessions until after my summer full of classes is completed.  I try to get there at least once a week, but life (and the growing grass) beckons.  I tend to eat lighter in the summer and am in the pool 6 times a week and so usually end up pretty sleek by the end of the season.

How are you coming with your goals?  Are you using a free calorie counter online or going to weigh watchers?  Remember if you goal is to lose weight you need to combine exercise and proper nutrition.  Now put down that soda and come play in the pool with us!