Monday, November 15, 2010

Plans and progress

I think I am caught up enough to start working on a new music CD for class... shuffle ... shuffle ... let's see - I have Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakwal, 3 CD's from the 1960's, and the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout 2...   **evil grin**

I am also continuing my kicked up exercise program.  Going to the gym on alternate days when I am not in the pool.  I lost 10 pounds in October doing this and hope to continue the trend!

Speaking of the pool (LOL  that is the point of the blog, isn't it?)  I have been in touch with a company regarding purchasing some water hand buoys (aka barbells) for the gang at TYHS.  I don't know if the management will pay for them or the gals will have to order for themselves, but I am hoping we can get very low wholesale prices!  Keeping my fingers crossed! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

No Excuses

I saw a post on Facebook where a friend was starting to exercise and had a few thoughts to contribute.  Since it applies to more than one person, I thought I would put my opinion into a post here instead of just addressing it to one person.

First of all, it is a great thing to begin.  It shows you have an interest in being healthy!  So kudos to you for doing it!

The rest is the hard part.

I believe that fitness starts in the kitchen.  So while you are putting in your time at the gym, on the track, in the pool or wherever, also be mindful of what you are putting in your mouth.  If you continue to eat at fast food restaurants, eat a half gallon of ice cream while watching TV or (heaven forbid!) use lard to make those home made french fries.  It will take much much longer for you to see results.  Don't sabotage yourself.

The next thing to take into consideration is what you are going to do for exercise and where you plan to go.  If the gym is out of your way or too far from home, I think there is a tendency  to make excuses why you can't go.  If it requires too much expensive equipment to get started, I believe it will also create an environment for excuses. Start simple, and if you stick with it, then go buy the gear.

Last but not least, whatever you chose to do, you should enjoy!  If you hate it, not just because it's new or it's difficult in the beginning, you won't continue. Find something you can do for a long time, where you can see progress and hang out with like-minded people.  

Whatever you choose, keep these things in mind and your chances for success will be much greater!  Now get out there and move!