Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New year, new program

I have been busy since the first of the year.  I'm in the gym three days a week and in the pool 3 days a week.  After some discussion with my husband I felt it was time to change up what I was doing in the gym.  He recently got a renewed certification as a personal trainer and I thought - what better way to take advantage of his desire to teach others how to get into shape and give him some current practice than to have him train me? So off we went to the gym on yesterday.

Monday is Leg Day.  After warming up on the treadmill, we did squats, dead-lifts, leg presses, and calf raises in the man-cave.  (My name for the room where all the smith machines and giant metal plates live.)  He also had me go on the abduction and adduction machine in the 'cardio' room.  In between sets, I did mungo crunches for 3 minutes in between each different exercise. Whew!

I was a little concerned that since the workout was so different from what I had been doing on the Nautilus machines and in the pool, that I would be pretty sore today.  The good news is that except for a complaining left quad muscle (front of thigh) I am doing pretty well!  I led my class this morning with no problems except for a CD player malfunction that all worked out after all.

So, we shall see what we shall see!  I'll keep you posted!